Docker adoption pathway - Part 2


In Docker Adoption Pathway, Part 1, we covered the topic of containers adoption, we checked our readiness for immutable deployments, and we examined the effect on current deployment tools that are already in place. To recap, converting new services in new environments for containers is very different from converting existing or new services with existing environments including deployment methodologies and troubleshooting procedures; with the latter including much more effort. In Part 2 of our series, we are going to see how troubleshooting changes when we adopt containerized environments.

Troubleshooting in Containerized Environments

Troubleshooting Remotely

Today, most troubleshooting is done remotely, meaning you generally do not access the hosts locally. Tools such as Graphite, ELK, and New Relic are common remote troubleshooting tools. In addition, companies develop custom in-house tools that send information from local machines to remote servers, and then users view the results with various clients. We are comfortable with the fact that instead of accessing servers directly we find the information we need remotely. This realtime remote troubleshooting methodology stays the same.

When You Can’t Troubleshoot Remotely

There are cases when you find you need to access your servers and run various troubleshooting commands locally, such as: uptime, ps, lsof, tcpdump, dmesg, and sar. These commands are run in order to check nodes and app health to find the root cause of the problems–also known as standard troubleshooting. In addition, you have the option to display custom web management pages on your app when needed, which exposes your app’s internal state and data (or metrics). In jvm based apps, in addition to these web management pages, it is common to have jmx displayed in order to check the status of the app and manage it—that is what jmx was built for, after all.

When You Have A Containerized App, Things Change

First and foremost when dealing with machines, you actually deal less with machines and deal more with the cluster orchestrator. With regard to having the web pages or jmx exposed, an orchestrator service takes care of exposing ports which are used to access your server as a logical business unit. What about accessing ports on your specific app node? The services usually perform load balancing. For example, round robin load balancing does not help when you need to access a specific app and not any one of the apps. If the gateway that runs jconsole is outside the cluster, you would need to expose the ports so that the gateway has access to it. If you choose, with another layer of abstraction, you can create a tool in the cluster where you would send commands or request to see app-based web management pages and it would return the page or jmx result of a specific container.

In this post, we are going to focus on a cpu metrics collection scenario.

Monitoring CPU

In this scenario, we are going to check ways to collect cpu metrics and what we want to take into account when working in a containerized environment.

Questions to Ask:

  1. What does the machine cpu metric tell us now that we have containers starting and stopping dynamically? Is high cpu bad or does it simply mean the orchestration is managing to make good usage of our metal?
  2. How do you collect container cpu?
  3. With multiple ways to collect container cpu, is there a difference in the actual data collected? Can we get different results?
  4. Is there a parsable-friendly format for the cpu metric collection?

We are going to work out these questions by example. First, we’ll create a Dockerfile that can fully stress a single cpu core:

FROM ubuntu
RUN chmod +x ./
CMD ["./"]

Looper is a simple single-core killer

while [ true ] ;do echo `date`;done

Build the docker image:

$ docker build -t "looper" .
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kB
Step 1 : FROM ubuntu
 ---> 0dd3b242dfe5
Step 2 : CMD while [ true ] ;do echo `date`;done
 ---> Running in 8cd8baca53f9
 ---> dbb75598f34a
Removing intermediate container 8cd8baca53f9

Run it, and allow it to run only on a single core:

$ docker run --name="single-cpu-killer" --rm --cpuset-cpus="0" looper

In our case the docker container runs a single process. Let’s search for it in the list of processes:

$ ps -ef | grep
root     12454  2335 16 17:39 ?        00:20:25 /bin/bash ./

Let’s use the ps command to find its cpu utilization.

$ ps -p 12454 -o %cpu 

Wait! We have four cores and our process fully utilizes one core; at least that’s what we assume. Shouldn’t utilization be closer to 25%? Lets check the manual on ps. The man page says: CPU usage is currently expressed as the percentage of time spent running during the entire lifetime of a process. This is not ideal, and it does not conform to the standards that ps otherwise conforms to. CPU usage is unlikely to add up to exactly 100%. This can explain it, but we want to verify it. There are more methods to check for cpu utilization. As we mentioned earlier, we always prefer to use the standard tools. Let’s use the docker standard tool for cpu utilization measurement.

We are going to first utilize docker commands for inspecting the cpu:

docker stats single-cpu-killer

which results in:

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O
single-cpu-killer   97.90%              413.7 kB / 16.52 GB   0.00%               3.882 kB / 648 B    0 B / 0 B

Although we have four cores, the docker stats for this docker process show close to 100% utilization, which makes sense because it treats this process as the only process.

If we want to actually see how the docker stat calculates the cpu usage percentage, we should have a look at docker client sources at stats.go.

docker client stats.go

We can first see a call to calculate the cpu percentage:

previousCPU = v.PreCPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage
previousSystem = v.PreCPUStats.SystemUsage
cpuPercent = calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem, v)

and then func calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem uint64, v *types.StatsJSON) float64 { with:

cpuDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage) - float64(previousCPU)
systemDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.SystemUsage) - float64(previousSystem)

Note that the systemCPU here is not the system cpu as used by the container, but rather the total machine system cpu delta, while the cpuDelta is the container cpu delta for the container. This means we can divide the containerCPUtotalUsage diff by the systemCPU—which is the total difference, and this is exactly what is done at: (cpuDelta / systemDelta). See the following calculateCPUPercent which takes as its argument prevCPU as used by the container, previousSystem total system cpu, and current cpu usages at v:

func calculateCPUPercent(previousCPU, previousSystem uint64, v *types.StatsJSON) float64 {
	var (
		cpuPercent = 0.0
		// calculate the change for the cpu usage of the container in between readings
		cpuDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.TotalUsage) - float64(previousCPU)
		// calculate the change for the entire system between readings
		systemDelta = float64(v.CPUStats.SystemUsage) - float64(previousSystem)

	if systemDelta > 0.0 && cpuDelta > 0.0 {
		cpuPercent = (cpuDelta / systemDelta) * float64(len(v.CPUStats.CPUUsage.PercpuUsage)) * 100.0
	return cpuPercent

As we might have multiple cores, we need to multiply by PercpuUsage and then convert to a percentage by multiplying by 100.0.

On the backend, how is this cpu data being interpreted? The docker uses cgroups (control groups) to control process resources. It controls `CPU, memory, diskIO, network., for process groups.

For example, when we ask docker to provide only 50% of the cpu by using --cpu-quota="50000" we actually update the cpu_quota in processes cgroup:

$ docker run --name="single-cpu-killer" --rm --cpuset-cpus="0" --cpu-quota="50000" looper

…and if we use the standard docker stat, we see it is consuming 50% of the single core:

CONTAINER           CPU %               MEM USAGE / LIMIT     MEM %               NET I/O             BLOCK I/O
c376f04ad25a        48.69%              3.981 MB / 16.52 GB   0.02%               10.21 kB / 648 B    10.84 MB / 0 B

…and the way the docker has achieved that is by updating the cpu.cfs_quota_us for that process group

cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpu/docker/c376f04ad25aaa54eec4f2afe63579127bd836a392ef9b4d2b153d47bd5adc62/cpu.cfs_quota_us 

Let’s find the cgroup to which the process belongs:

$ docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                                         NAMES
8df2eab576ae        looper              "./"            About an hour ago   Up About an hour                                                  single-cpu-killer

The cpu accounting information would reside at: /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct

…and for our container:

cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8df2eab576ae064b410dc24fbd19d56c3621bedc7b615646b7ac62ab63a1aa67/cpuacct.usage

This is absolute CPU usage of the container in nanoseconds. If it equals the number of nanoseconds (for a single core) in 1 second, this means it is in 100% cpu usage.

…so lets print this number of our container in a time difference of 1 second:

$ cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8df2eab576ae064b410dc24fbd19d56c3621bedc7b615646b7ac62ab63a1aa67/cpuacct.usage;sleep 1;cat /sys/fs/cgroup/cpuacct/docker/8df2eab576ae064b410dc24fbd19d56c3621bedc7b615646b7ac62ab63a1aa67/cpuacct.usage


Take the difference between those two numbers and divide by the number of nanoseconds in one second (1 billion) and you indeed get 94% cpu utilization.

So, we know how to get the cpu percentage with the docker stats command, but that’s still not that useful for monitoring systems. Just as we don’t want to parse from the top, we would rather get something more structured such as a json. Thankfully, docker provides remote HTTP API, which we can utilize for that purpose. We use:

$ echo -ne "GET /containers/single-cpu-killer/stats HTTP/1.1\r\n\r\n" | sudo nc -q -1 -U /var/run/docker.sock

…and we get back all the cpu information with json:


In conclusion, by this example we see that we can get both cpu and memory along with additional metrics for our docker container by connecting to the docker remote API. The results are parsable, which is significant as we can pinpoint the information we need to present in monitoring components. This is the method we adopt for monitoring container cpu. We haven’t fully discussed the meaning of machine cpu and what we should do in cases where we have to run local commands on hosts. We will leave this topic for future posts.